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Description: some seriously this situation? In theory, the OpenSSL work well. However there are small errors in coding such as Heartbleed. And as a result has made the library device and version popular lundak berakit weak security. Almost all versions of the affected OpenSSL is able to provide private access on Web sites that are supposed to be secure since SSL/TLS code.
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Description: In this situation, the attacker can theoretically see the contents of a secret code (secret handshake) when the SSL session is created when a user login to their account as a login in the email account. Your username and password, even to the very credit card number information may be at risk, and depending on what services are being accessed by the user even though there has been no way to know this for sure. An attacker can identify themselves on the Internet. After half the handshake process (SSL handshake) is interrupted in this way, an attacker can use their new private key to perform an attack called the attack a "Man-in-the-middle".

SSH Gratis Dropbear & Openssh:
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Dropbear Port : 443 and 80 : OpenSSH Port :109 and 143
Tag : Gratis SSH

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