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Description:SSL is short for Secure Socket Layer which is a transport layer protocol used in the internet connection securely. If you want a connection to communication via the internet in a way that is secure, then use an SSL connection. SSL offers three levels of security: Authentication, i.e. ensure that the received message came from someone who express. Confidentiality: protecting a message from a reading of the effort by the recipient is not entitled to along his journey. Integrity: ensures that the original message, did not experience a change in its journey.
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Description: Client server then negotiates the level of acceptable inkripsi which is usually 40-bit, 56-bit, or 128 bit upwards. The client then generates a secret session key that thereafter at inkripsi using the public key of the server for later sending to the server. The server then decrypt secret session key using its private key. From this point onwards, the secret key cryptography subject and then the session key used to inkripsi all data exchange between the client and the server, providing a secure private communication.

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Tag : Gratis SSH

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