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In this tutorial I'm using paid domain from namecheap and vps from SGGS IP oneasiahost. Please note that the possibility of a tutorial I gave it will be slightly different if you are buying a domain from another party other than namecheap. However, you do not need to immediately close this page just because you don't buy domains at namecheap, because at its core, the procedures for setting remains the same.
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If the settings are already doing as above, you can try entering your domain in a browser. If there is no error (normally the webserver page appears directly as apache, nginx and others) means settings that you created is avail. If you purchased your domain from freenom, good free ones like,,, or paid, you can follow the settings as shown in the video tutorials I post.
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Dropbear Port : 443 or 80 and OpenSSH Port : 109 and 143
Tag : Gratis SSH

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