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Redirect http To https Using .htaccess. We can use the https protocol is if we have an SSL certificate and installing it correctly. Most web sites using the http protocol as a leading choice to handle all the information. We can force people to use the https protocol by modifying the .htaccess file in a folder (for example in the folder/) or in the folder where you require people to access it via the https protocol.
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Http To https Redirect explanation Using a php script. .. First, we must ensure that SSL has been properly installed on the web server. To redirect the browser to the "https", we have to know that the site is using SSL or not right now, how to use the server variable in PHP we can call with $ _SERVER ["HTTPS"]. The response of such data is "on" First of all, when the web site using an SSL connection. Make sure that the original site (which uses SSL encryption) use only port 443 for the IP address you are using. The above script and it is used only in a script that uses port 80 (http) only.

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Dropbear Port : 443 or 80 and OpenSSH Port : 109 and 143
Tag : Gratis SSH

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