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Applications are usually able to make the CPU load is high among them is the web itself, databases, mailing lists, and FTP. For web hosting companies usually limit the number of mailing lists, FTP accounts, and databases to maintain service reliability. Besides traffic per month is also limited by the assumption that if the traffic is high, then the server load is high. Therefore the review reconsider your choice if the choice falls on a web hosting company that offers unlimited round.

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Ownership and Domain Settings. Domain rightly belong to the customer and the customer entitled to make arrangements for him. Therefore, customers must be given access to the domain control panel that serves to regulate the administrative domain (whois info / ownership) and technical (nameserver settings). If the customer is not given control panel domain settings, so if a customer wants to move hosting moment, do nameserver settings, and transfer of the domain ownership or transfer to another domain registrar will find it difficult because it depends on the hosting company where customers buy the domain

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Dropbear Port : 443 or 80 and OpenSSH Port : 109 and 143
Tag : Gratis SSH

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