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While Dedicated Hosting is a hosting service in which a server that is used by one account (or 1 website, 1 client) only. The upside is the performance and privacy are better, because the server is not used by third parties. The disadvantage is the price of the more expensive. Consisting of Colocation (where the engine is provided by the client himself and placed in the data center hosting provider) and Dedicated servers (where the engine is provided by the hosting provider).
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Own dedicated Server is a server hosting provided by the owner of the website or in other words the website owner uses his or her computer as a hosting server. The upside is the website owner can set up your own hosting in accordance with his wishes, he included the capacity data are permitted..

SSH Gratis Full Speed: Premium Server From Hosting VPN, VPS, Host Singapore and Indonesia. Dropbear Port : 443 or 80 and OpenSSH Port : 109 and 143

Tag : Gratis SSH

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