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There are four general types of web hosting: shared hosting, reseller hosting, dedicated hosting, and colocated hosting. Shared hosting is when the company places one's website on the same server together with hundreds of other websites. This means that a single computer is used to host hundreds of websites. Reseller hosting on the other hand was created for those who want to be a web host. It has a larger bandwidth and space that allows the user to divide it into sites. This reseller hosting account is hosted by a single computer like in shared hosting.
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The only thing that differs is that the computer holds less websites as compared to shared hosting. Dedicated Hosting is the opposite of shared hosting. In dedicated hosting one server or computer is used to host a single website. This one is to one ratio allows larger websites' accounts to be maintained with efficiency. Lastly, colocated hosting is when a user purchases himself a server. This way he could prevent unmonitored reboots. Plus specific needs could be address. Though, this type of hosting is the most expensive and the least cost effective.
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