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VPS is a server is divided into multiple VMS (Virtual Machines), where in each VM is a "Virtual server" that can be installed in its own operating system. VPS feels like a Dedicated Server. Advantages of VPS over shared hosting with VPS, you are getting a more definitive resource, whether CPU, Memory, or spacenya. So as not to interfere if there is a problem on your neighbor's website (reply in 1 server). Also get root access and thus more freely in the Customize server according to your needs. Advantages of VPS over Dedicated Servers VPS, among others, more flexible. You only need to pay for the resource you need, later if needs increase, could be upgraded gradually.
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Further, what do you get when you hire a hosting for your website? If you purchase a shared hosting, you'll get access cPanel to manage your website isn't it? such as uploading your web page, upload the database, create a sub domain, save the file – file your .dll. now have thought of by you, with such a large number of people who rent a shared hosting, how to divide each – each user with access to their cPanelnya? There is a primary use of VPS, VPS could be used to divide a shared hosting.

SSH Gratis Full Host: Premium Server From Hosting VPN, VPS, Host Singapore and Indonesia. Dropbear Port : 443 or 80 and OpenSSH Port : 109 and 143. All SSH Support Squid With Port 8080 and 80 Faster:
Tag : Gratis SSH

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